Tag Archives: healthy

Jay’s Organic Corner for Healthful Living – Rid Your Body of Aliens

Rid Your Body of Aliens

By Jay North

What does Cayenne pepper, jalapeño peppers, and Burdock root have in common? They all kill parasites. Alien parasites that occupy a body can make people feel terribly ill.

Hulda Clark world renowned natural treatment healer claims “that all diseases are the result of invaders (Pparasites) which cause the immune system to go off kilter. “ MS. Clark advises, “Rid the body of all parasites and the body will heal itself – even from life-threatening diseases.”

Parasites not only consume our food before we have a chance to digest it, they carry life-threatening dis-eases and interrupt the body’s natural function to heal itself. There are some 250 know classes of parasites that can occupy our bodies, including the stomach and intestines. But, did you know they can be in your brain, skin and hair follicles too? Well, it’s true! Want to live a whole, healthy and complete life? Rid yourself of bugs and feel twenty years younger.

There are a number of ways to rid the body of unwanted guests. Cayenne pepper, jalapeño peppers, and burdock root will certainly be an aid in the undertaking of cleansing the body of malign intruders. These substances can be obtained easily on the worldwide web and their use is easily applicable. Use these products ground up into a powder form. Ingest as a tea by drinking them, bathe using the herbs, do steam sweats and use them in an enema if you can handle the concept.

Other herbs for ridding parasites are: Wormwood, Black Cohash, Black Walnut, Cloves, Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, Cayenne pepper, Jalapeño Peppers, Burdock root and Goldenseal.

Prepare your tea the ayurvedic way. Start with pure fresh distilled water (1gallon). Boil in a glass pot whenever possible. Add ¼ ounce of each freshly dried herb you plan to use for natural treatment. Boil down to a half-gallon. Allow to simmer for twenty minutes with herbs in the water. Before consuming add one quart of cool distilled water. Drink three cups three times per day for three days – then stop. After a day or two, repeat the process for three more days and continue this process for thirty days. Keep an eye on your stool and look for dead pests.

Most people never consider that they have such a thing as parasites; while it is true that 90% of the world’s population does, and not just India and South America. Parasites are contracted through our environments and our foods. Indications that parasites are present are: constant itching, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, sleeplessness, foul breath and flatulence. But, many people with parasites do not show signs of suffering but that is why in many foreign counties cleansing is practiced twice per year. The important point for anyone that wants to experience a whole and healthful life is that a clean body equals a clear mind and a happier

individual. A family that cleans together laughs together. Get the aliens gone! Live a happy, healthy life.

Jay is one of the county’s leading innovators and experts in organic gardening and farming he has worked in natural healing techniques for forty years… Jay North is not a medical doctor and is not writing prescriptions he is a natural healing consultant that is expressing his opinions on optimum health. Find more information at OneGlobePress.com.