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Come into Sacred Ceremony

With Jay and Leonard J. Mountain Chief

Leonard said, “One day all people everywhere will come to know who they are. They will realize their own strength and power and be able to give loving service through their newfound knowledge and personal power.”

He said that people already know this and that they either mask this inner wisdom or have somehow managed to forget who they truly are. “People act in funny ways when they are not being their true selves,” he said and laughed out loud.

Leonard said that we are all leaders, writers, and artists; we are all mothers and fathers, teachers and healers. To Leonard there was nothing more important than people knowing who they are and what their true calling, or purpose for life, is.

“Come into scared ceremony,” Leonard called. “Retrieve your soul, and never be shrouded in mystery again. Carry with you a hand drum, a shaker, sage, and a gift offering.

“Deep in those mountains, there is a valley. It has been sacred to our people for thousands of years and holds great medicine power unknown to most. Some of your people may not even recognize the power as they sit on this land,” he said.

“Walk in, come to sacred ceremony in reverence and silence as you approach this valley. Ask the ancestors’ permission to be there. Give praise and thanksgiving to the Creator for providing such a wondrous place. Take with you a valued possession and offer it as a sacred gift. Build an altar and chant a prayer. It does not matter in what language,” Leonard said. “The Creator hears all languages.

“As you near the center of the valley, find your spot or the place you feel most comfortable, lay a blanket, and sit. Quiet your mind. Do not speak until it is time. Call in the ancestors and the great ones to be at your side and welcome their presence. Sit quietly for as long as you can. Light the sage, and with its smoke, bless this place, the surroundings, yourself, and whoever entered with you.

“Drum the drum song, chant and sing, and allow the Great Spirit to take over sacred ceremony. Allow Him to do the talking through you as you ask, ‘Who am I?’  It does not matter if you are unsure of the words that come, let them come. Dance, sing, and chant. If you have located running water and it is nearby, use your hands to scoop up the water to wash your face and head. Ask for purification. Continue to wash until you are cleansed. Continue. Allow the words to come. Be not concerned about whose words they are; be not concerned about your brain or any other apparent distraction, and simply ask.

“Now, ask again, ‘Who am I?  Who am I?  What is my reason for being here?’  Allow the great one to speak and you listen,” Leonard advised.

“Some may need to go into the sweat lodge to help find these answers. Others may need to fast for several days. Some may need to climb the sacred mountain and stay on top for a week or more. Others will find it necessary to live the teepee life alone for an entire year to discover who they are and why they are here. No one is exempt from knowing these answers,” said Leonard. “Money will not buy the desired result, drugs will only mask the way, and many therapists are of no value. Only the Great One can help reveal this and He does so through sacred ceremony.

“The only way for one to know is to ask, look, and be silent.

“Sacred ceremony is for anyone who chooses to know. It is not for the coward, for once one knows who they are and their reason for being, they will find they must take action in their lives and this may require drastic changes. This is not an easy way and the lazy will not attempt this path at all,” he said.

“Come into sacred ceremony,” Leonard called, “all the answers will be revealed there.”

“This is not a once in a lifetime action. All mysteries are not revealed all at one time. No,” Leonard said, “it is continuous. It is a process for your full development as a human being here in this place and the unfoldment of your soul. It takes patience and persistence. Remember this,” he continued, “just when you think you have gone as far as you can and you’re just too tired to go on and feel like giving up, that is when the mysteries will reveal themselves to you. There are many mysteries that will unfold during ceremony, and that is what makes this a process a lifelong journey.”

Leonard said, “Once I had a young man come to me crying, ‘I am going insane, Leonard, what do I do?’  I replied, ‘Dive deep into the pool of insanity. That is the only way for you to transcend it. That is your ceremony. There is no other way.’

“To walk the Red Path takes courage and determination. Never take the weak or half-hearted into sacred ceremony; you will only waste your energy,” said Leonard.

“When one comes out of ceremony with newfound knowledge, they often cry in gratitude and want to offer a gift to the leader of ceremony. If you lead, never turn down the gift; you would only take away their appreciation and accomplishments,” said Leonard. “For now they know who they are and know they know their path. Now they can fully love themselves and their neighbors. No one has told them this. No unwanted advice was given; no special training was required. Their own knowing and willingness to do ceremony has given them the knowledge that so many crave and no one can ever take that away.

“Never go into sacred ceremony lightheartedly,” he insisted, “You can only enter with reverence, in silence, and with appreciation in your heart and love for the Great One.”

Leonard could not stress enough the respect we must demonstrate for sacred ceremony and the appreciation we must show. To always praise the Creator and give thanks in deep appreciation is of paramount importance to The People of the Blackfeet Nation.

In a casual world, we no longer approach things with the reverence they deserve. Are we afraid of being serious? “Perhaps,” said Leonard. Maybe we would be well served to ponder the seriousness of our lives, to focus on our health, our path and the welfare of others. Laughter, it is said, is the best medicine, and no one enjoyed a good laugh more than Leonard. But he was not afraid to give any situation the reverence it called for. “It is basic human respect,” he said, “there is no other way.”

Leonard said, “They may take our land, they may destroy my body, but they can never take away my real life and knowing who I am.”

Leonard was a great man, huge in spirit, quiet in demeanor and a pure joy to be with. And still is very much today.

From Jays book, Open Spaces; My life With Leonard J. Mountain Chief


Jay’s Organic Corner for Healthful Living – Rid Your Body of Aliens

Rid Your Body of Aliens

By Jay North

What does Cayenne pepper, jalapeño peppers, and Burdock root have in common? They all kill parasites. Alien parasites that occupy a body can make people feel terribly ill.

Hulda Clark world renowned natural treatment healer claims “that all diseases are the result of invaders (Pparasites) which cause the immune system to go off kilter. “ MS. Clark advises, “Rid the body of all parasites and the body will heal itself – even from life-threatening diseases.”

Parasites not only consume our food before we have a chance to digest it, they carry life-threatening dis-eases and interrupt the body’s natural function to heal itself. There are some 250 know classes of parasites that can occupy our bodies, including the stomach and intestines. But, did you know they can be in your brain, skin and hair follicles too? Well, it’s true! Want to live a whole, healthy and complete life? Rid yourself of bugs and feel twenty years younger.

There are a number of ways to rid the body of unwanted guests. Cayenne pepper, jalapeño peppers, and burdock root will certainly be an aid in the undertaking of cleansing the body of malign intruders. These substances can be obtained easily on the worldwide web and their use is easily applicable. Use these products ground up into a powder form. Ingest as a tea by drinking them, bathe using the herbs, do steam sweats and use them in an enema if you can handle the concept.

Other herbs for ridding parasites are: Wormwood, Black Cohash, Black Walnut, Cloves, Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, Cayenne pepper, Jalapeño Peppers, Burdock root and Goldenseal.

Prepare your tea the ayurvedic way. Start with pure fresh distilled water (1gallon). Boil in a glass pot whenever possible. Add ¼ ounce of each freshly dried herb you plan to use for natural treatment. Boil down to a half-gallon. Allow to simmer for twenty minutes with herbs in the water. Before consuming add one quart of cool distilled water. Drink three cups three times per day for three days – then stop. After a day or two, repeat the process for three more days and continue this process for thirty days. Keep an eye on your stool and look for dead pests.

Most people never consider that they have such a thing as parasites; while it is true that 90% of the world’s population does, and not just India and South America. Parasites are contracted through our environments and our foods. Indications that parasites are present are: constant itching, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, sleeplessness, foul breath and flatulence. But, many people with parasites do not show signs of suffering but that is why in many foreign counties cleansing is practiced twice per year. The important point for anyone that wants to experience a whole and healthful life is that a clean body equals a clear mind and a happier

individual. A family that cleans together laughs together. Get the aliens gone! Live a happy, healthy life.

Jay is one of the county’s leading innovators and experts in organic gardening and farming he has worked in natural healing techniques for forty years… Jay North is not a medical doctor and is not writing prescriptions he is a natural healing consultant that is expressing his opinions on optimum health. Find more information at OneGlobePress.com.

Jay’s Organic Corner For Healthful Living

The Green environment in your home

The green environment in your home starts with cleanliness.

Antibacterial hand soap, dishwashing liquid, kitchen cleaners and many new products appearing every day promise to eliminate bacteria and other organisms blamed for causing illness. It sounds like a wonderful idea, but what does this practice mean in the long term?

If you carefully read labels, you will find that these products promise to eliminate 95 to 99% of all bacteria. What about the other 1 to 5%? Well, these are usually the strongest, most resistant ones. These are the ones that live through the antibacterial attack to reproduce. Therefore, the weaker ones are eliminated and the stronger ones left to breed.

What we are now doing in our kitchens is slowly, gradually producing super-bacteria. We are eliminating, for the most part, the weaker organisms, and leaving the fittest to survive and reproduce. This is happening not only in our kitchens, but in sewer systems and septic tanks, which eventually find their way into our streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Hand washing, with natural soaps and water, is a proven method of reducing many communicable diseases, such as colds and flu, as well as helping to eliminate food-borne illnesses caused by bacteria. Wash your hands before, during, and after food preparation. Always wash when handling a different food and when you have handled anything unwashed or when preparing raw meat.

Choose an environmentally friendly soap that is labeled “biodegradable”. Wash your countertops regularly, and don’t forget the handles on the stove, refrigerator, cabinets, drawers, light switches and microwaves, which we often touch while handling raw and/or unwashed produce or meats.

Also in the kitchen, be aware of chemical hazards. Never spray cleaners near foods. Dr. Tonja Wynn Hampton of WebMD Medical News reported in her article “Brought Home the Bacon? Don’t Fry It Up in a Nonstick Pan” that polytetrafluoroethylene, or Teflon, degrades -when heated – into other compounds, one of which is known to be harmful to plants, while another accumulates in human and animal tissues. Though little is known about the health effects, it is known that it could take up to tens of thousands of years to break down.

The list of natural effective green living methods is endless. Live a green life, live healthy.

Jay is one of the county’s leading innovators and experts in organic gardening and farming he has worked in natural healing techniques for forty years… Jay North is not a medical doctor and is not writing prescriptions he is a natural healing consultant that is expressing his opinions on optimum health. Find more information at OneGlobePress.com.

Natural cures for depression and anxiety

There are going to be times in each of our lives when we are going to feel “depressed” about something or a little “anxious”. This is only normal; it is a part of being human. Things happen in our lives, the death of a loved one for example, and of course we feel sad or depressed. When someone dies we say, “oh, we’re happy for them; they’ve gone on ahead and have reached a new plateau in their lives,” but we are sad for ourselves because we miss them. There are also times when we will feel anxious. Maybe we’ve taken a school test and we’re not sure how we did and we’re waiting for the results. There is a difference, however, between this and living in depression and anxiety.
No one has to live in depression or anxiety. We have been given natural sources to help us to combat these things. We really don’t need to go to a doctor or psychotherapist and get drugged up on what a young friend of mine calls “happy pills”. God has given us natural substances and ways that will help to put our bodies back into a proper balance and that is what this chapter is about – treating these conditions naturally
First of all, please know that you do not have to live in what you have been told about yourself. You can live in what you feel and know about yourself. There is a big difference. You are a very worthwhile person. You are the only you in existence — in fact, the only you that ever has or ever will exist—and there is no one quite like you. Regardless of what you have been sold on TV or in school, you are special. You are unique and wonderfully created. People and some misunderstood feelings may tell you differently but don’t listen to them.
One of the natural food substances that you can grow right in your own home that has been said to help in the battle against depression is St. John’s Wort. Many people who have found themselves suffering from certain forms of depression have stated that they found that it helped them. Not everyone with depression feels that St. John’s Wort has helped them, nor do I suggest it as a “magic elixir” that will immediately cure but there seem to be enough people who claim to have been helped by it to make it worth looking into.
The aerial parts in St. John’s Wort can be harvested and made into what has been referred to as a ‘pleasant tea.’ If you don’t care to grow your own, it can usually be procured at a healthcare store in the form of tea bags or as a tincture.
Some women have felt that Peru’s Maca root has added in the fight against “depression” which they have felt to be associated with menopause.

There are natural treatments for depression that do not consist of putting things into your body. It can also be handled by not putting certain things into your body. You may want to consider cutting certain things out of your diet as well, like sugar, sodas, and pastries. You may be suffering from simple food allergies, like sensitivities to wheat, eggs, milk, and pork. You may want to consider eating only organically grown foods, cutting out the bacon cheeseburgers and fries for a period of time and eating what you know is a healthier diet. (Yes, I know: it hurts. It hurt me, too. But then I found that I was feeling much better, healthier, and more invigorated – and certainly not living in depression, I was happy to make changes in my diet.)
Native Americans have long felt that all things in nature are connected. You are not separate from the world; you are a part of the world. For you to be in harmony with yourself, you must be in harmony with the rest of the world. A spiritual leader once wrote in a friend’s autograph book when she was a child, “Be good, my child. Let those who would be great. Do good things, and do them all day long. And so make today, tomorrow and that vast forever, one sweet song.” Harmony is not depression; harmony is living peace and joy.
Smells can also aid in the fight against depression, the smell of sage, cedar or sweet grass for example can help you to feel more at peace with yourself. Some people choose to burn these things, to enhance the smell and send it through the room. Others choose to carry it in their pocket. Whatever seems to work best for you is what is best for you, and my opinion is that pills are not the answer.
Another way to treat depression is by growing plants. Get your hands dirty, get them down into the earth and become one with it, nothing like taking your shoes off and walk on the earth, I always say. Work the dirt; let it move through your fingers as you move through it. Relax yourself into what you are doing. Prepare a growing place for your plants and give it the very best “home” that you can.
Some folk’s claim that plants can love and care about us. Is this true? Perhaps, but being out of doors, shirt off unless you are shy; planting a seed and watching something grow…who could be depressed? You can love the plant, just as you would any human child and take the very best care of it that you would a human child. The plant will respond to your love and give back in so many ways.

Live in a bright environment
Keep the environment around you in your home a bright one. Turn on lights. Fill your home with brightness and flowers. There is a whole subject devoted to this in a study known as feng shui that has to do with you creating your environment to be pleasing and nurturing. There are a thousand good books on the subject. Check out a few.
If it is possible where you live, have a pet, even if it is just a Beta fish or a snail. Don’t just feed that pet and walk away and forget about it until it is time to feed it again. Watch it, enjoy it; you will be surprised to find out how unique and complete even a Beta fish or a snail can be and how much you can come to truly love one. It’s impossible to live in depression when you are living in an atmosphere of love.

Get out go for a walk
Go for a walk. Take time to notice and enjoy the things of nature around you, and be thankful for them. Watch a colony of ants; watch a group of butterflies, listen to the birds and hear what they are saying, even if you can’t understand their language. . Get out and touch things, find a way to be in touch with the environment. Smile at someone, maybe even two someone’s, who knows, one of them might even smile back, and a smile is a priceless gift. Call a friend and do your best to make their day a little bit better than it might have been because you have been a part of it. Get outside of yourself: find a need and fill it. Find someone who needs you and give them a hand. It will put a smile on two faces…and you are actually out doing something really good and needed. It’s true that depressed people can have trouble getting started, but it can become addicting…and it sure beats them pills.
Here is a short list of supplements that have been reported to have a beneficial effect on people dealing with chronic depression, but check with the good old doctor first:

1 Turmeric has been reported to have beneficial effects as have
2 Vitamin B.
3 Extra Vitamin C,
4 CoQ10
5 Ginkgo
6 Rhodiola
7 Chelated Magnesium
8 Skullcap
9 St.Johns Wort
10 Sepia
Know that you can live a happy, successful and abundant life, just because it is so.
I am, therefore it is.
The great I Am consciousness will had has always loved and protected you and always will. I am and so it is.
And now, for folks who need more proof the natural remedies can work to relieve depression, here’s some information from Nutrition Science News 2005:

Altering the brain’s chemistry to elevate mood
Depression is one of the most frequent psychological problems encountered in medical practice. Some studies say 13 to 20 percent of American adults exhibit some depressive symptoms. The mortality rate among those who are depressed is four times greater than those without depression—major depression accounts for 60 percent of all suicides.
Yet, despite this professional recognition and the fact that depression is a treatable condition, only about a third of depressed people receive appropriate intervention.
While the exact etiology of depression is unknown, numerous factors appear to contribute. These include genetics, life/event sensitization and biochemical changes.
Family, twin and adoption studies demonstrate that predisposition toward depression can be “inherited”, so they say! In addition, stressful life events can contribute to depression; most studies concur that the likelihood of a depressive episode is five to six times greater six months after events such as early parental loss, job loss or divorce. The link between depression and stressful life events has been conceptualized in the form of the sensitization model, which proposes that prior exposure to stressful life events sensitizes the brain’s limbic system to the degree that subsequently less stress is needed to produce a mood disorder. Many of the current biochemical theories of depression focus on the biogenic amines, which are a group of chemical compounds important in neurotransmission—most importantly norepinephrine, serotonin and, to a lesser extent, dopamine, acetylcholine and epinephrine.
Antidepressant medications, which address the brain’s biochemistry, include monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. MAOs increase norepinephrine levels, while tricyclics essentially enhance norepinephrine transmission. Serotonin, in particular, has been the subject of intense research during the past 25 years, indicating its importance in the pathophysiology of depression. Basically, a functional deficiency in serotonin results in depression.

Amino Acid Supplements
The nutritional treatment of depression includes dietary modifications, supportive treatment with vitamins and minerals, and supplementation with specific amino acids, which are precursors to neurotransmitters. Dietary modification and vitamin and mineral supplementation in some cases reduce the severity of depression or result in an improvement in general well-being. However, these interventions are usually considered adjunctive, since they are not typically effective by themselves as a treatment for clinical depression. On the other hand, supplementation with the amino acids L-tyrosine and D, L-phenylalanine can in many cases can be used as an alternative to antidepressant drugs. Another particularly effective treatment is the amino acid L-tryptophan.
L-Tyrosine is the precursor to the biogenic amine norepinephrine and may therefore be valuable to the subset of people who fail to respond to all medications except amphetamines. Such people excrete much less than the usual amounts of 3-methoxy-4-
hydroxyphenylglycol, the byproduct of norepinephrine breakdown, suggesting a deficiency of brain norepinephrine.
One clinical study detailed two people with long-standing depression who failed to respond to MAO inhibitor and tricyclic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy. One person required 20 mg/day of dextroamphetamine to remain depression-free, and the other required 15 mg/day of D,L-amphetamine. Within two weeks of starting L-tyrosine, 100 mg/kg once a day before breakfast, the first patient was able to eliminate all dextroamphetamine, and the second was able to reduce the intake of D, L-amphetamine to 5 mg/day. In another case report, a 30-year-old female with a two-year history of depression showed marked improvement after two weeks of treatment with L-tyrosine, 100 mg/kg/day in three divided doses.6 No side effects were seen.
L-Phenylalanine, the naturally occurring form of phenylalanine, is converted in the body to L-tyrosine. D-phenylalanine, which does not normally occur in the body or in food, is metabolized to phenylethylamine (PEA), an amphetaminelike compound that occurs normally in the human brain and has been shown to have mood-elevating effects. Decreased urinary levels of PEA (suggesting a deficiency) have been found in some depressed patients.7 Although PEA can be synthesized from L-phenylalanine, a large proportion of this amino acid is preferentially converted to L-tyrosine. D-phenylalanine is therefore the preferred substrate for increasing the synthesis of PEA—although L-phenylalanine would also have a mild antidepressant effect because of its conversion to L-tyrosine and its partial conversion to PEA. Because D-phenylalanine is not widely available, the mixture D L-phenylalanine is often used when an antidepressant effect is desired.
Studies of D,L-phenylalanine’s efficacy show that it has promise as an antidepressant. Additional research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and which types of patients are most likely to respond to treatment.

Vitamin and Mineral Therapy
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause depression. Correcting deficiencies, when present, often relieves depression. However, even if a deficiency cannot be demonstrated, nutritional supplementation may improve symptoms in selected groups of depressed patients.
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is the cofactor for enzymes that convert L-tryptophan to serotonin and L-tyrosine to norepinephrine. Consequently, vitamin B6 deficiency might result in depression. One person volunteered to eat a pyridoxine-free diet for 55 days. The resultant depression was alleviated soon after supplementation with pyridoxine was begun.
While severe vitamin B6 deficiency is rare, marginal vitamin B6 status may be relatively common. A study using a sensitive enzymatic assay suggested the presence of subtle vitamin B6 deficiency among a group of 21 healthy individuals.9 Vitamin B6 deficiencies may also be common in depressed patients. In one study, 21 percent of 101 depressed outpatients had low plasma levels of the vitamin. In another study, four of seven depressed patients had subnormal plasma concentrations of pyridoxal phosphate, the biologically active form of vitamin B6. Although low vitamin B6 levels could be a result of dietary changes associated with depression, vitamin B6 deficiency could also be a contributing factor to the depression.
Depression is also a relatively common side effect of oral contraceptives. The symptoms of contraceptive-induced depression differ from those found in endogenous and reactive depression. Pessimism, dissatisfaction, crying and tension predominate, whereas sleep disturbance and appetite disorders are uncommon. Of 22 women with depression associated with oral contraceptive use, 11 showed biochemical evidence of vitamin B6 deficiency. In a double-blind, crossover trial, women with vitamin B6 deficiency improved after treatment with pyridoxine, 2 mg twice a day for two months. Women who were not deficient in the vitamin did not respond to supplementation.
These studies indicate vitamin B6 supplementation is valuable for a subset of depressed patients. Because of its role in monoamine metabolism, this vitamin should be investigated as possible adjunctive treatment for other patients with depression. A typical vitamin B6 dose is 50 mg/day.
Folic acid deficiency may result from dietary deficiency, physical or psychological stress, excessive alcohol consumption, malabsorption or chronic diarrhea. Deficiency may also occur during pregnancy or with the use of oral contraceptives, other estrogen preparations or anticonvulsants. Psychiatric symptoms of folate deficiency include depression, insomnia, anorexia, forgetfulness, hyperirritability, apathy, fatigue and anxiety. Serum folate levels were measured in 48 hospitalized patients: 16 with depression, 13 psychiatric patients who were not depressed and 19 medical patients. Depressed patients had significantly lower serum folate concentrations than did patients in the other two groups. Depressed patients with low serum folate levels had higher depression ratings on the Hamilton Depression Scale than did depressed patients with normal folate levels.
These findings suggest that folic acid deficiency may be a contributing factor in some cases of depression. Serum folate levels should be determined in all depressed patients who are at risk for folic acid deficiency. The usual dose of folic acid is 0.4 to 1 mg/day. It should be noted that folic acid supplementation can mask the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency when the complete blood count is used as the sole screening test. Patients in whom vitamin B12 deficiency is suspected and who are taking folic acid should have their serum vitamin B12 measured.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also manifest as depression. In depressed patients with documented vitamin B12 deficiency, parenteral (intravenous) administration of the vitamin has resulted in dramatic improvement. Vitamin B12, 1 mg/day for two days (route of administration not specified), also produced rapid resolution of postpartum psychosis in eight women. Vitamin C, as the cofactor for tryptophan-5-hydroxylase, catalyzes the hydroxylation of tryptophan to serotonin. Vitamin C may therefore be valuable for patients with depression associated with low levels of serotonin. In one study, 40 chronic psychiatric inpatients received 1 g/day of ascorbic acid or placebo for three weeks, in double-blind fashion. In the vitamin C group, significant improvements were seen in depressive, manic and paranoid symptom complexes, as well as in overall functioning.
Magnesium deficiency can cause numerous psychological changes, including depression. The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are nonspecific and include poor attention, memory loss, fear, restlessness, insomnia, tics, cramps and dizziness. Plasma magnesium levels have been found to be significantly lower in depressed patients than in controls. These levels increased significantly after recovery. In a study of more than 200 people with depression and/or chronic pain, 75 percent had white blood cell magnesium levels below normal. In many of these people, intravenous magnesium administration led to rapid resolution of symptoms. Muscle pain responded most frequently, but depression also improved.
Magnesium has also been used to treat premenstrual mood changes. In a double-blind trial, 32 women with premenstrual syndrome were randomly assigned to receive 360 mg/day of magnesium or placebo for two months. The treatments were given daily from day 15 of the menstrual cycle until the onset of menstruation. Magnesium was significantly more effective than placebo in relieving premenstrual symptoms related to mood changes.
These studies suggest that magnesium deficiency may be a factor in some cases of depression. Dietary surveys have shown that many Americans fail to achieve the Recommended Dietary Allowance for magnesium. As a result, subtle magnesium deficiency may be common in the United States. A nutritional supplement that contains 200¬400 mg/day of magnesium may therefore improve mood in some patients with depression.

Nature’s Defenses
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) as a standardized extract is licensed in Germany and other European countries as a treatment for mild to moderate depression, anxiety and sleep disorders.
St. John’s Wort has a complex and diverse chemical makeup. Hypericin and pseudohypericin have received most of the attention based on their contributions to both the antidepressive and antiviral properties of St. John’s Wort. This explains why most modern St. John’s Wort extracts are standardized to contain measured amounts of hypericin. Recent research, however, indicates that the medicinal actions of St. John’s Wort can be ascribed to other mechanisms of action and also to the complex interplay of many constituents.
While St. John’s Wort’s ability to act as an antidepressant is not fully understood, previous literature points to its ability to inhibit MAOs. MAOs act by inhibiting MAO-A or -B isozymes, thereby increasing synaptic levels of the biogenic amines, especially norepinephrine. This earlier research showed that St. John’s Wort extracts not only inhibit MAO-A and MAO-B but also reduce the availability of serotonin receptors, resulting in the impaired uptake of serotonin by brain neurons.
More than 20 clinical studies have been completed using several different St. John’s Wort extracts. Most have shown antidepressant action either greater than placebo or equal in action to standard prescription antidepressant drugs. A recent review analyzed 12 controlled clinical trials—nine were placebo-controlled and three compared St. John’s Wort extract to antidepressant drugs maprotiline or imipramine. All trials showed greater antidepressant effect with St. John’s Wort compared with placebo and comparable results with St. John’s Wort as with the standard antidepressant medications. The first U.S. government-sanctioned clinical trial of St. John’s Wort, a three-year study sponsored by the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, based in Washington, D.C., began last year.
Dosage is typically based on hypericin concentration in the extract. The minimum daily hypericin dosage recommended is approximately 1 mg. For example, an extract standardized to contain 0.2 percent hypericin would require a daily dosage of 500 mg, usually given in two divided dosages. Clinical studies have used a St. John’s Wort extract standardized to 0.3 percent hypericin at a dose of 300 mg three times daily.
The German Commission E Monograph for St. John’s Wort lists no contraindications to its use during pregnancy and lactation. However, more safety studies are needed before St. John’s Wort is recommended for this population.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) extract, while clearly not a primary treatment of choice for most patients with major depression, should be considered an alternative for elderly patients with depression resistant to standard drug therapy. This is because depression is often an early sign of cognitive decline and cerebrovascular insufficiency in elderly patients. Frequently described as resistant depression, this form of depression is often unresponsive to standard antidepressant drugs or phytomedicines like St. John’s Wort. One study showed a global reduction in regional cerebral blood flow in depressed patients older than 50 when compared with age-matched, healthy controls.

In that study, 40 patients, ages 51 to 78, with a diagnosis of resistant depression (insufficient response to treatment with tricyclic antidepressants for at least three months), were randomized to receive either Ginkgo biloba extract or placebo for eight weeks. Patients in the ginkgo group received 80 mg of the extract three times daily. During the study, patients remained on their antidepressant drugs. In patients treated with ginkgo, there was a decline in the median Hamilton Depression Scale scores from 14 to 7 after four weeks. This score was further reduced by 4.5 at eight weeks. There was a one-point reduction in the placebo group after eight weeks. In addition to the significant improvement in symptoms of depression for the ginkgo group, there was also a noted improvement in overall cognitive function. No side effects were reported.
University, Bothell, Wash. Alan R. Gaby, M.D., is past president of the American Holistic Medical Association. Ronald Reichert, N.D., is an expert in European phytotherapy and has an active medical practice in Vancouver, B.C.

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The value of coffee enemas

By Jay North

There are dozens of clinics now throughout the world that treat seriously challenged health issues with coffee enemas to attempt to cure various ailments, including but not limited to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and HIV.

A clean colon, intestines, liver, and kidney are essential to maintaining good health and vitality. As the older we get, the more important it becomes to clean the inside(s).

Over a person’s lifetime, there will be many opportunities to consume many unhealthy substances – food additives, drugs, chemicals used in the production of produce, meat, cheese, canned foods, fast food, polluted air and water. One of the best modalities for removing the effects of these harmful items is regular enemas and high colonics.

How does it work?

The very last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum, is in an “S” shape and referred to as the sigmoid colon. By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, many nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because the stool contains products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system between the sigmoid colon and the liver. There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation.

Have you ever felt sick just before having a bowel movement, when stool material has just moved into the rectum for elimination? As soon as the material is evacuated, you no longer feel sick, right? This is due of the toxic quality of the material and the enterohepatic circulation coming into play in the colon. Because of this, it is important to evacuate when you have the urge. The rectum should be empty.

This circulatory system enables toxin to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain which in many cases carries the effect of what is often termed “depression” in our society. This system of veins carries rectal sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification.

How Do Coffee Enemas Work to Heal the Body?

When a coffee enema is used, the caffeine from the coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxicant and acts quickly to remove toxins. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. This frees up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs, tissues and bloodstream. The coffee does not go into the systemic circulation, unless the enema procedure is done improperly.

The coffee contains some alkaloids that also stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transference, an enzyme used by the liver to make the detox pathways run. It is vital in the formation of more glutathione, one of the main conjugation chemicals, enabling toxins to be eliminated via bile into the small intestine. In other words, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and minimizes the backlog of yet-to-be-detoxified substances. You will require the following materials:

5    An enema bag or bucket, preferably one of clear plastic that you can see through the material to watch water levels

6    A large stainless steel cooking pot

7    Organic coffee fully caffeinated, drip grind coffee. Organic is essential because you are working to remove toxins, not put them in

8    A source of uncontaminated water. Use distilled water whenever possible; Chlorinated water should be boiled for 20 minutes

The see-through enema bag/ bucket is preferable, but an old fashioned type that doubles as a hot water bottle can be used although it is hard to tell how much is used at each pass. Do not use any bag with a strong odor.


Start and end with a clear water enema.  Do not use coffee in the beginning; rather, do clear water cleanse first, and then coffee, and then one more clear water cleanse.

1.   Put a little over one (1) quart of clean water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Add two (2) flat tablespoons of coffee (or the coffee amount that has been suggested for you). Let it continue to boil for five minutes, then turn the stove off, leaving the pan on the burner.

2.   Allow it to cool down to a very comfortable, tepid temperature. Test with your finger. It should be the same temperature as a baby’s bottle. It’s safer to have it too cold than too warm; never use it hot or steaming; body temperature is good.

3.   Next, carry your pan or pot and lay an old towel on the floor (or your bed if you are careful and know you won’t spill).  For safety, a piece of plastic can be placed under the towel). If you don’t use an old towel, you will soon have many more old towels: coffee stains permanently. Use another bunch of towels, if you want, as a pillow.

4.   Pour the coffee from the pan into the enema bucket without getting the coffee grounds in the cup. You may prefer to use an intermediate container with a pour spout when going from the pan to the enema bucket. Do not use a paper filter to strain the grounds. Put your enema bag in the sink with the catheter clamped closed.

5.   Pour the coffee into the enema bag. Loosen the clamp to allow the coffee to run out to the end of the catheter tip and re-clamp the bag when all the air has been removed from the enema tubing.

6.   Use a coat hanger to hang the enema bag at least two feet above the floor; on a door knob or towel rack. The bucket can rest on a chair, shelf or be held. Do not hang it high, as on a shower head, because it will be too forceful and the hose won’t reach your body. It should flow very gently into the rectum.

7.   Lie down on the floor on your back or right side and gently insert the catheter. You will need lubrication.  Food-grade vegetable oil such as olive oil, a vitamin E capsule, or KY Jelly should be fine, unless you are chemically sensitive. It is a good idea to avoid petroleum products.

8.   Gently insert the tube into the rectum a few inches and then release the clamp and let the first 1/2 of the quart (2 cups maximum) of coffee flow in. Clamp the tubing off as soon as there is the slightest amount of discomfort or fullness.

9.   Retain the enema for a minimum of twelve (12) minutes. Sometimes there will be an immediate urgency to get rid of it and that is fine. It helps to clean the stool out of the colon so that next time around you can hold more of the enema longer. This is why one starts with a clear water enema in the beginning to get things cleared out. Never force yourself to retain it.  If you feel that you cannot hold the water, don’t. When you have clamped the tubing, remove the catheter tip and “clear” when you have to. It is best to hold it for at least 12 minutes each time.

10. After you have emptied the bowel, proceed with the remaining 1/2 quart and likewise hold that for at least 12 minutes, if able, then clear again.  The goal is to have two coffee enemas, not exceeding half a quart (2 cups) each, that you are able to hold for twelve to fifteen minutes each. Usually two or three times will use up all of the enema, but that is not your goal; being able to hold it for twelve to twenty minutes is your goal.

11. When you have finished your session, rinse out the bag and hang it up to dry. Periodically run boiling water, peroxide, or other comparable antimicrobial agent through the empty bag to discourage mold and bacteria growth when not in use.

If you should feel wired or hyper, or have palpitations or irregular heartbeats after a coffee enema, you should reduce the amount of coffee you use next time, usually by half for a few days or weeks. Or consider that you really need organic coffee. Be sure the source of your water is good, clean chemical-free spring, distilled, or filtered water.

Sometimes you will hear or feel a squirting out and emptying of the gallbladder. This occurs under the right rib cage, or sometimes more closely to the midline. If, after a week of daily enemas, you have never felt or heard the gall bladder release, you should consider making the coffee stronger, going up in half-tablespoon increments per quart, not exceeding two tablespoons per cup. Alternately, you may need a slightly larger volume, such as three cups at a time. Three enemas (two cups or less each) rather than two at a session are more beneficial for some.

Always discontinue the enemas if there is any adverse reaction whatsoever, and discuss it with your doctor at your next appointment. If you find the enema helpful, do not use it more than once per day for any extended period without medical supervision. Use it as necessary, perhaps several days in a row, but more commonly a few times a week.

Following your cleansing; always consume living acidophilus (Bio –K can be purchased at most health food stores). Fresh water is important as well, and you should also rest for a short period of time. Do not leave the house right away; more ‘clearing’ will come shortly after the session is complete.

Other Enemas for Specific Treatments

In many cultures throughout the world, herbal enemas are applied in the treatment of seriously debilitating dis-eases, challenges and aliments. Many of the herbs used grow naturally in the countries they are used. For instance, Pau D`Arco, an herb of bark, is used as a cleanser and cancer treatment in South America, while North America natives have used Chaparral for centuries as a cleanser, purifier and a cancer treatment. Red Clover and Yellow Dock have also been used in enemas as a blood cleanser, blood and bowl purifier, and a treatment for various forms of cancers.

There are dozens of books on the market that discuss in great detail the use of herbal medicine for the treatment of – and a very possibly the cure for – every ailment spoken out of the mouths of mankind. The very best source I have read is Dr. John Christopher’s School of Natural Healing.

Herbs used in the treatment of body challenges should be ingested through the mouth in tea form, taken with enemas, used in sweats (as in a sauna), and bathed in.

When using the herbs in enema form, do you’re very best to find them grown organically and buy only freshly dried herbs.

The procedure works like this:

1.   Boil two quarts distilled water and the herbs you intend to use in stainless still pan. Boil for twenty minutes or until one quart boils down completely, so you have one quart left in the pan. Once this occurs, turn the flame off and add one quart fresh cool water.

2.   Allow to stand until water cools to a comfortable level, and then pour contents into enema bag or bucket.

3.   Apply clear water with a second bag or bucket, clear the contents in the lower colon.

4.   Use the herbal recipe. Hold the water and herbal recipe for twenty minutes if you can and then clear.

5.   Repeat the process with clear water one more time.

For serious challenges or health issues, repeat this process daily for thirty days, stop for several days and then go back and do it again. Yes, healing does occasionally require personal responsibility and activity. And of course, always check with your doctor before applying an herbal cleanse.

Read more at www.OneGlobePress.com see Miracles In The Kitchen

My wish to share!

You see I made Leonard J. Mountain Chief a commitment many years ago to pass on important message for all of time and all ages. Leonard is my adopted father from the Blackfeet Nation. In my book about Leonard’s and my journeys together I detail teaching from this great shaman that Leonard’s wanted people to have.  I share personal stories, outings and ceremony known only to a few none natives. Some of these stories might entertain you, some will make you laugh while some will make you cry and others will shake one awake.

 We live in extremely parlous times, therefore I urge you to read, Open Spaces; My Life With Leonard J. Mountain Chief and ask a friend to do the same.

Thank you for reading this

Jay North aka J. mountain Chief

One Globe Press: Books by Bestselling Author Jay North

Working To Change Conditions On Planet Earth For The Better

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The best way to get your message across is to hire the best writer for the job

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Email jaysbookshere@gmail.com
Website ProfessionalWriterJayNorth.com

For many people, the thought of writing a book, article or essay seems to be frightening and to others fairly easy and straightforward endeavor. Simply think about what you want to say and then write it down. But, once they get started, most quickly realize that writing in a manner that compels readers to hear what you have to say is much more difficult to do than originally thought.

The good news is that Jay North has a knack for being able to write in a way that grabs hold of a reader’s attention and won’t let go until your story has been told.  Jay North is a professional writer that has an immense amount of experience and credits to his name. As an author, Jay North is a ‘http://professionalwriterjaynorth.com‘  Writer of 30 published books and 8000 Articles that have been published and distributed all over the world. And he makes all of this writing expertise available to you through his professional ghostwriting service.

It doesn’t matter if you are looking to address a creative writing assignment for school or work or if you want to turn your experiences into a compelling novel, Jay can help you put your thoughts down on paper. He produces exceptional copy when it comes to other formats such as dispute letters, newsletters, fundraising materials, book marketing plans and so much more. All of the writing assignments he produces are professionally written and edited to ensure that they meet format guidelines, pass grammar and punctuation standards and are enjoyable to read.

What’s more is that ‘OneGlobePress.com‘ Professional Writer Jay North’s ghostwriting services are both affordable and reliable. You will never have to worry about missing a deadline or having to pay more than you can afford when you hire Jay North to handle your writing needs. It’s his commitment to you. Every piece will be well written, edited and polished before delivery.

If you have a writing need and don’t have the time or the talent to produce the high quality content that you need, contact Jay North today and get a great product at a reasonable cost. There is no writing project too large or two small for Jay North.

About Author Jay North
Jay North published author, organic gardener and social activist; contact Jay for services and rates at 805-794-9126, by email: jaysbookshere@gmail.com or visit his websites:www.OneGlobePress.com and www. Http://ProfessionalWriterJayNorth.com.

Working To Change Conditions On Planet Earth For The Better

Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief by your truly

In my book Open Spaces, I offer a personal and uncensored account of my time with Leonard J. Mountain Chief of the Blackfoot tribe of Native Americans. This experience was profoundly significant, and altered my perspective on many things regarding life, culture, mysticism, and ancient religion.

My Life-Changing Experience

Without giving too much away, my book details the transformative experience I had amongst the Blackfeet tribe in northwest Montana—far from the southern California landscape I referred to as home.

The beautiful landscape was as inspiring as the words spoken to me by the Blackfeet elder, whose wisdom was sincere and untainted by modernity.

In today’s fast-paced culture, it can be easy to forget that this beautiful nation was once populated by Native Americans deeply entrenched in their own fascinating religious and cultural traditions. I discovered one profound truth at the heart of the Blackfeet society—in order to be truly happy, we must return to our roots in nature and simplify our lives.

Mysticism in Northwest Montana

I spent time with Leonard J. Mountain Chief around the new millennium, when even the skeptics among us were fearful about the impacts the year 2012 would have on our lives. Many of us can recall the electric, fearful energy in the air around that time, as we wondered whether or not the world would might end at midnight on January 1, 2012.

This is not, as some might believe, simply a Eurocentric phenomenon. The year 2012 was equally important to other cultures. The Blackfoot elder taught me the significance of the new millennium in Native theology, and cast the curtain aside, allowing me to participate in their religious rituals and mystical traditions, in spite of their deep privacy and distrust of outsiders.

Share in the Experience

Although I first wrote about my experiences several years ago, this story remains deeply important to many people, and I highly recommend reading it if you are dealing with insecurities and fears about the state of modern society. The truths I learned from my “adopted father,” Leonard J. Mountain Chief, have resounded with readers throughout the years and brought comfort to many spiritual seekers.

I have recently released a newly revised edition of Open Spaces for you to enjoy. The hard copy is available on Amazon, and I would love to hear your feedback. How did the book affect you? What did you take away from it? In these uncertain times, it would bring me joy to know that my words and experiences are bringing peace to my readers.

Please share these stories with family and friends,

Jay North aka J. Mountain Chief

Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief can be purchased at www.OneGlobePress.com

Ozone Therapy

By Jay North

In the 1930s, a German biochemist named Dr. Otto Warburg made the revolutionary discovery that due to the low rate of respiration in cancer cells, they are capable of fermenting their own sugar and thus starving the oxygen cells so much that they replicate uncontrollably. He theorized that an increase in blood oxygen levels could potentially slow the replication of cancer cells, or even kill them.

This information was startling to many in the medical field, but decades later, physicians and biochemists are now aware that oxygen alone is not enough to stop the metastasis of cancerous cells in their tracks. However, Dr. Warburg’s early discovery helped encourage proponents of an alternative form of therapy called ozone therapy, which has been practiced in many cultures worldwide throughout history—not just to eliminate cancer cells, but other ailments too, including AIDS, herpes, and cirrhosis of the liver.

The core belief of ozone therapy advocates is that the introduction of a mixture of ozone gas and air into a patient’s body can slow the replication of cells. Although ozone therapy can be practiced in several different ways, the most commonly known method is autohemotherapy.

During autohemotherapy, a physician draws blood from the patient, mixes it with ozone, and introduces it back into the bloodstream. Physicians extracting and re-releasing ozone-infused blood into the patient’s body must do so cautiously; studies by the American Cancer Society have indicated that oxygen-releasing agents can be harmful to the body, but those in favor of alternative therapies such as ozone therapy have found the process to be perfectly safe when done properly.

A more relatively innovative method is when ozone is inject directly into the blood stream, thereby creating a quicker and more sustainable therapy for the patient. There are no known adverse reactions to this practice.

Ozone therapy can be as effective as traditional treatments for diseases, particularly those involving the vascular system. Additionally, proponents of ozone therapy recognize that while the process can take anywhere from several weeks up to several months, very few or no negative side effects have been observed.

The therapy is seemingly most beneficial when a tumor is accessible and can easily be injected with a needle filled with oxygen. Regardless, the benefits of this type of treatment have been noted in numerous cultures, and it seems likely that in the near future, empirical biological and clinical tests will confirm the positive impact of ozone therapy in traditional Western medicine.

I would just like to interject that it might behoove one to check out my book Miracles In The Kitchen at OneGlobePress.com

Peace & Good Health,

Jay North

Oxygen/ozone as a medical gas mixture. A critical evaluation of the various methods clarifies positive and negative aspects. (2011). PubMed Central, (PMC3231820). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3231820/